What do you do at Lantana Communications?

I oversee daily operations of the service department, assist the leadership team in developing and implementing operational strategies, and help ensure that we provide a high level of customer satisfaction to our clients. I also have the honor of managing and working alongside a team of wonderful engineers, project managers, and service personnel.

What attracted you to Lantana? And what keeps you here?

I started my career running ethernet cable and assisting with basic phone system changes. I quickly realized that I had found a career that I had a passion for. I set a goal for myself to become a Telecommunications Engineer. I worked many long hours and spent time outside of work diligently furthering my education to achieve this goal, which I did several years later.

My new goal became landing a job with an organization that would allow me to continue to rapidly develop my skills, treat me well, had a great group of individuals to call my co-workers, and was an enjoyable place to show up to work daily. I found Lantana Communications and have not looked back.

What’s energizing you and your work right now? What drives you?

I get excited about the plans we have and where I see Lantana Communications going. We as a team are constantly improving in all areas. We are focused on growing the company while continuing to provide the level of customer satisfaction that our clients have come to expect and appreciate.

What is your superpower/special talent?

Outside of work I enjoy playing Disc Golf as much as I possibly can! I try to get out on the course a minimum of 2-3 days a week. My goal is continuing to improve my game, helping to grow the sport as much as I can, and someday maybe even building my own private course. I also love reading and listening to business related books and podcasts.

How does your superpower align with your work at Lantana?

I believe that fitness helps improve an individual’s overall focus, mental health, and productivity and having a hobby you are passionate about helps with creative problem solving in other areas of life. This is something I not only believe but live by. Both provide the outlet I need to reset after a long day at work and be ready to go the next day. This coupled with my passion for improving my business acumen helps me bring my best self to everything I do for Lantana Communications.

What is a quote that you live by?

“Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.” - Charles F. Kettering